Windows 8 automatic updates
Windows 8 automatic updates

If you are planning to save bandwidth then the option to “check for updates but let me choose when to download and install them” would be the best thing to go with. In Windows Update click on the Change Settings option on the left sidebar and choose the Windows update settings you would like to keep. If you are browsing in category view you can find it under System and Security module. To change Windows 8 update settings, open Control Panel and click on the Windows Update icon when viewing all the items instead of category view. But before we check that, let’s see how to change the Windows 8 update settings. Today we will address this issue and have a look at how we can update Defender without enabling Windows automatic update. And that’s not something that we recommend because an antivirus that is not up-to-date is as good as no antivirus at all. Thus if a user has disabled Windows automatic update to save internet bandwidth, his Windows Defender will also remain outdated.

windows 8 automatic updates windows 8 automatic updates windows 8 automatic updates

However, one difference between the third-party antivirus solutions and Windows Defender is that the latter’s automatic update is linked to Windows updates. With a decent malware detection and removal rate, Windows Defender is now trusted by many home based Windows users. Although there are many well known free antivirus solutions like Avast and AVG, Microsoft Security Essentials aka Windows Defender in Windows 8 has gained a lot of popularity lately.

Windows 8 automatic updates